Oil paintings of Birds

Oil paint is a great medium to work in, fun to move on the canvas, with a palette knife or a brush, laid thick, thin, or barely at all.  One series here is of the birds that I like to watch, and the ones that I could actually get close enough to for a quick shot of the camera, for later details.  The ever present crow, with its iridescent feathering, different at any one given angle.  A real marauder, but very true to itself, and its ‘murder of crows’.

Then there is the pigeon.  Quite wonderful to listen as they coo, scratch, and move in front of you, ever trusting.  I had to bring a bag of bird seed with me to get as close as I did.

Robins, with their black eyeliner on at every moment of the day, and their chestnut colored breast, as they stand proud, gallant, and ready for the worm…they are wonderful.

The quickest bird in this series was the Quail.  Truly an enchanting species.  Their black curled headdress bobs here and there as they scurry along to their destination.

Lastly, the Boreal Chickadee…as it came from away to nest in the bird house in the backyard.  Protected by a thick hedge behind, this sweet little bird watched carefully as I was also watching it.



  • Oil paintings of Birds
  • Oil paintings of Birds
  • Oil paintings of Birds
  • Oil paintings of Birds
  • Oil paintings of Birds
  • Oil paintings of Birds